Clarity Thinking Psychotherapy

Counselling, Therapy and Training

Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire, and Northamptonshire

t: 07790 827259



If you're feeling stuck or unhappy with some aspect of your life, you might want to try individual therapy. This is a talking therapy where you work one-to-one with a therapist who listens to you and helps you to find understanding and ways to cope, heal, and grow.

What it's for:

Individual therapy can help you with many different issues, such as stress, anxiety, depression, anger, addiction, relationships, and more. Individual therapy can also help to improve your self-esteem, confidence, and happiness.

How it works: 

In individual therapy, you and your therapist will discuss your current challenges and what you want to change, enabling you to feel better and more in control of your life. Through the duration of therapy, you can learn more about yourself and your emotions and how to cope with them in healthy ways, promoting positive changes in behaviours, relationships, and lifestyle.  Your therapist will support you, offer feedback, and, where necessary, will teach you skills and strategies to manage your challenges. You may also set goals and track your progress together.

When to try it:

You might want to try individual therapy if you feel overwhelmed, unhappy, or stuck in some aspect of your life. If you have a challenge that's affecting your daily life or well-being, or if you want some guidance and support, individual therapy can help.

What to expect:

Individual therapy sessions usually last about an hour and take place once a week or every other week. You can choose a therapist who suits your needs and preferences, such as their gender, background, approach, or specialty. You can also choose the format of your sessions, such as face-to-face, online, or over the phone.

Remember, individual therapy is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It's a personal and flexible process that depends on your unique situation and goals.

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